Do you frequently experience sadness, fatigue, and feelings of helplessness? You could fear merely starting the day rather than looking forward to every new one. If this is the case, you may be experiencing depression. Everyone experiences despair at some point in their life. The emotions eventually fade. However, the sentiments might not only linger but also get worse for individuals who are depressed. Your loved ones may say encouraging words to you, such as "Get over it" or "It's not that awful." But, despite their affection for you, it frequently makes matters worse. Depression may run in families and be brought on by traumatic childhood experiences or challenging life situations.
Do you experience frequent sadness that you don't always understand?
Do you feel alone or isolate yourself frequently?
Do you find it challenging to carry out daily tasks at work or school?
Do you feel guilty and shameful about what you did or didn't do?
Do you hold negative beliefs about yourself, others, or your future?
If you answered yes, to the above questions, you might be struggling with a depression disorder. Beyond Counseling offers depression assessments to determine your treatment needs.
Depression therapy or counseling is an excellent way to uncover the causes of depression, learn how to manage it, and build a better, more peaceful, and balanced life. Beyond Counseling will help you find solace and release from depression by helping you understand and control your depression. Our team uses strength-based practices such as cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, and mindfulness will provide the groundwork necessary to make changes in your life to conquer depression.
your new journey starts today
Main Office - Sunrise
7800 West Oakland Park Boulevard Sunrise, FL 33351
Suite D-211